29 January 2015


It seems like a day can't pass without a public figure- be it authority or celebrity- makes a gaffe of some sort, which is reproduced, shared, tweeted, parodied, made into a meme within seconds. In the past month or so we've seen a Fox news reporter claim that the British city of Birmingham is 'totally Muslim', a reporter told actress Rashida Jones, who comes from a biiracial family, that she was 'very tanned' and actor Benedict Cumberbatch was criticised for accidently mixing up 'coloured' and 'of colour' when referring to black actors. 
Thinking about my own gaffes (I'm quite clumsy, so there are many), I realised that we all have our own embarrassing stories to tell. Using funny celebrity quotes to introduce the theme, this lesson looks at idioms and expressions related to embarrassment and awkward situations, before moving on to a thought-provoking reading and video activity about advertising campaigns that caused embarrassment for the company. 

Download the complete lesson plan here 

The Dove 'Onslaught' and Greenpeace '(On)Slaughter' videos can be seen below. 

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